Drunk on truth to stupid baby power.

An Interview with Biff Rose, Truly Weird Part of Music History


I first found out about Biff Rose a few years ago when my friend opened for him at a house show in Richmond, VA. He wrote the lovely “Fill Your Heart,” which David Bowie covered on his album Hunky Dory, and which likely inspired the album’s airy, gentle tone.

In this interview, he makes puns and allusions constantly and flows from one topic to another in the same wild way that he does in his best songs. There’s clearly a certain kind of genius at work. He also gets pretty abstract and confusing at times, and he expresses some views that are definitely not my own– or at least I think he expresses them? He gets a lot more clear when he starts talking about Paul Williams ripping him off. Beyond that, I’ll let the interview speak for itself. It’s a lot.

The Tusk: Hi!

My name’s Nate Waggoner and I write for a website called The Tusk. I was wondering if you’d like to talk to me about your life and career and work at some point for an article.


Biff Rose: just start asking questions

[About an hour later, Rose sent me a second email.]

BR: I just checked out TUSK.com..and there was a website selling me purses and pocketbooks? Is that the right Tusk?

T: Www.the-tusk.com. I’ll have some questions ready for you real soon!

BR: all right…have you run into that same thing? people confusing YOUR Tusk with that “Purses for sale” site..it’s to comical and can be..and WILL be used for fodder in my often ongoing prayer..Our Fodder

T: Tell me about your beginnings!

BR: what the phuck kind of question is that? can you be more specific? tell em what you know about me….have you seen the e-bay store my favorite ICONcubine has set up to make some bread so she doesn’t have to feed me working a thousand hours a week at the San Francisco gay Childrens’ Library ?…o.k. to answer your general questio n a properly sho busy manner..

I began at age 4 in 1941 singing Mairzy Doats and Hut Sut Ralston during Kids’ Talent Nite….at a Roller Derby Contest in NewOrleans…I won 2 dollars and my mother kept the money……..next BIG GIG was 1946…..I was 9…and played The Prickly Prince in a play by the same name presented by students of the Mathilda P. Nungesser Carrollton Speech School…”Mother” didn’t want me talkin’ Ya’t ( as in..”where ya’t cuz”…or mush mouth or boogalie..the New Orleans downtown accents…so Mrs Mathilda P Nubgesser taught me my DIPTHongs..it’;s DIFF..not DIP…DIFF-thongs…the macron..the breve..the diacritical marks…aphorisms…( don’t fear competition..remember…a kite flies AGAINST not WITH the wind…)……Mrs Nungesser was a Christian Scientist and died cuz they wouldn’t call a doctor..it was whispered about….

Those were the beginnings I care to talk about…I don;t care to discuss the SECOND play Mrs Nugesser made us kids be in..THE BROWNIE BUSH…I’d rather rest on the Prickly Prince and see a trajectory from that to the THORN in Mrs Rose’s Side..’68..and The Thorn II…2010..bandcampp….and from the THIRNS to the WEJ which is turning the JEW around and destroying the Hollywood establishment with my establishING a purer truth than story telling for money…..the money will come..already my ICONcubine is rounding up Royalty Yada I can;t do cuz I’m too spaced out to think right now…plus I’m hooked on Kevin Spacey in (Netflix’s)…House of Cards…that cracker Congressman…making that yankee UNION organizer punch him after he says he;s going to come all over his face…

[Another, separate email followed later.]

Nate You have unwittingly spawned a vast new “career” for me..maybe you,too…as I have found twists in answering your w-mail and posted them n short essays on  my Facebook page and gotten this luscious respoinse from people who can read and are testy and..so…read the essays on my Facebook page involving you as..I’m suer we both agree..this Internet stuff is so new…tat in a twinkle..the singer songwriters I have been associated with in the oast going back to the early sixties.are all moribund corpses…and even theiur shallow children…the veneers of the seventies like Robin Williams are dead…now I understand that disco hit of the eary seventies..”Fy Robin Fly”

T: I was going to wait on this one, but what is your thing with Jewish people? Looking at some of your newer work, I think you’re being playful with ideas of racial stereotypes in a way where there must be some irony at work, but other times it’s not so clear…

[Correction: Biff sent me two responses to this. I originally, by accident, only posted one of them. Now they are both here.]


hey Nate.JEW is the greatest SOUNDBYTE in the whole english lingo gringo bingo.as for stereotypes…I enhance MONOtypes as in MONOTHEISM to make it Stereo-theism..meaning GOD was great.God was good…God yada yada ..Mono a Mono…as long as America was beautiful and Hitler was evil and yada yada..but the LOSS in Vietnam and the need for women to arise and “save civilzation” as they had to do thru Scarlette O’Hara when the CONFEDERATE States of America lost…in Gone with the Wind the need for a Helen Reddy to arise and sing I AM INVINCIBLE after the guys come home wimped from Nam…well..see…JEW figures in prominently..having written down stuff for four thousand years whereas AMERICA has only written down stuff for two hundred PLUS some years..that means JEW has bragging rights but I say..”We, the People..” is GREATER than “We..the Chosen people….” and the jew is subsumed (God..I hate that word assimilated….so wishy washy..)…into an American dream I AM….rather than allying in ANY way with a ZIONIST NIGHTMARE…the reason being..the JEW is a spiritual people like a TIT giving milk but you have to squeeze it thru the nipple and the NIPPLE of the jew is Jesus ( and the OTHER nipple is Marvin Hamlisch)..and that whole story of “Him Jesus”… rising from the dead is a knockout to me..I mean..are there any writers greater than the JEW who conceived of a VIRGIN and made it STICK like Mary saying “I’m haiving a kid and I haven;t fucked anybody”…..?…Magdalene never gets top dog billing cuz she threatens totally man’s “anything”…I mean the STATE..the Church Fathers HAD to build up a patriarchy to keep womens’ lib from catching on 2,000 years ago….plus…poor ol’ little boy Jesus..hearing his mom didn;t fuck anybody…and like Indiana Jones…wandering..adventuring.asking..”Hoosier daddy..Hoosier daddy?”………so my “thing” with the jew is internal story telling….whos gonna tell the BEST story stemming from THE TRUTH before MYTH prevails or even gets a foothold….I follow in the..CHICK giving a quick NUDGE to yada…and in that regard am enamored of this chick…named ROCKY…right there you have…the way SHE “puts” it…( uh oh.here we have a “putz”)…”Biff doesn’t see me as a woman..but as an adjective”…as these are not personal considerations but words on paper…..it’s as OUT THERE as my attacking JEW to see who’s got the BEST STORY in town…my book is “It’s a rocky road I scream”…….you’ll see me echoing Old and New Testicle writings…for the Umbiblical CHORD….cut….I’m as an AMERICAN up against ISLAM who thinks I am the GREAT SATAN…..so I have to gather all the JEWS under the umbrella of the soundbyte AMERICA and with my southern accent subsume the capital of Islam…Mecca…and call it all in my vast heroic and epic poem/ “The United Sates of uh…Mekkah.” as for those jews who are for the existence of a STATE with boundaries and bombs called Israel….why you know THAT ain’t Christian….nothing YOUniversal about THAT schitt..it’s all JEWniversal….based on ego..and old timey “God gave us this land…God is our own personal real estate agent..”…but hey…I didn;’ mean to get geo-political THIS fast..let’s keep it in the sho hiz…music bz..Hollywood scene…and take it contract by contract..one on one as one IN one..and watch how the jew is split up the middle….like a woman who can’t get rid of Feminism but yet can’t embrace it fully..cuz it already HAD it’s heyday in the seventies..it;s old news now…and more and more people are gettng accustomed to..the rash nature of POWER POLITICS which forced the creation of a state for displaced jews..cuz no one wanted ‘em HERE..they’re too yucky…and America was strong back then…they couldn’t carve a state out of Germany cuz we LIKE the Germans..they gave us the good nazi Werner vonBraun who got us to the Moon……and..pardon my freestyle of writing..I’m into the INTRO to Malcolm Lowry’s “Under the Volcano” and am always influeneced by the very next thing…being an American..oh..what was the question again…? oh..the jew……a great soundbyte..one worthy of being picked on..if you’re a writer and up against 4,000 years of yada…how can you beat it….they can always say…done that..heard that.oy vay schmeer……so I reduce it to TRUTH telling and in that regard have run into people in hollywod.all jews..who did NOT believe in truth telling as assiduously as I…ergo..they must die….but how?… why…thanks to Pope Zuckerberg I..FACEBOOK..and secret codes..like fish drawn in sand for ancient Christians…BFF drawn in Biff for Modern Facebookians….remember we have a stereo-theism to replace and enhance the monotheism of old…there is still one ALMIGHTY..but 2 speakers..God and Allah…..its allah in the family where you have to hunker down and bunker down so….. you can have your cake and Edith,too.

here’s post just posted on my FB PAGE..you have created a firestorm 0f ICONtroversy…referring to “jew”…there have been some comments from my faithful “famzenfrenz”..now YOU’RE responsible for that

Mark Newstetter

I’m going to start calling you Biffl Rosen. Are you sure you’re not jewish?

Ryan Christopher Parks


Jim Hiatt

Biff Rosenberg..

no…you can’t phuck with the Man to suit your own sel-fishy porpoises..which go nowhere…it’s Biff rose as in Biff rose above any cuteness on your part…Jim Hiatt-Regency should know better..he’s just lonely…..Mark Newsletter wants a pal..I’m cold about it…BIFFROZE……BIFROST..the rainbow bridge of The Elder Edda..in old Norse Code….this is a YOUniversal sound biffrost-bit..as in ICY initially…BR-R-R…I.C for Interpretive Control..i am the MAN.the MAN is a SONG..the SONG is on The Thorn I…(68)…it comes before during and after The BOSS who is a contrivance of THE JEWS (Jon Landau..Clive Davis) to make money selling you the idea a “jewish sounding” name ( Springsteen) whose initials are what he is…is the WORKING CLASS HERO…..the MAN judges…not personally…..electrically thru facing the BOOK and throwing it at the world…I re-organize the 3 religions……jew…Christian…Muslim..for my namesake..JEW in terms of truth vs lie…turn jew around to “horn” in and “ram” a WEJ into their tribal “hedge-money”…and blow it sho’far…sho’good…Hollywood jews backed Paul Wiliams “We’ve only just begun”…and tried to eliminate the Man who comes before during and AFTER the BOSS and that dwarf malignancy who ripped off the 2d Coming of the ol’ “Love thy enemy” in terms of “Fill your heart with love today”…..to satisfy the trad faithful who follow the ol’ dogma…we see where Paul Williams sold his soul to de debbil in Brian DiPalma’s “Phantom of the Paradise”….by ripping off Biff..they call him BEEF in da movie..that means P.Williams did in reel life what he did in real life..so it doesn’t hurt so much and makes it easier for my “fanzenfrenz” to…go ye therefore into the wilderness ( Nashville)..and explain how long spending your life in eternal damnation is..long as I am scent as “..arose” to judge the living and the dad….half onscreen..hat’s off……..liberating the JEW from the ZIONIST thus fulfiling the yada of the Messyada…..liberating the Muslim from Mo’hamming by fulfilling the role of the MAHDI ( MAHDI is the Arabic word for Messiah)….being from New Orleans but not STAYING from New Orleans if I have to eat any more of this Oakland food..overpriced and foreign..Mexican.Chinese..organic…and missing…longing for….grilled catfish and tartar sauce…potato salad and sweet iced tea from the Please-U on St Charles Ave…Friday……. the MAHDI Gras…the MAHDI Mississippi…MAHDI Waters…the Crescent City and the STAR Restaurant on Decatur……where the $24.95 NY Strip tasted better .. at seventeen ninety five…pre-Katrina..”Oh Jerusalem……New Orleans…I would’ve taken you under my wing..but you would not…you opted for Hairy Iconic,Jr…..

T: So Paul Williams ripped you off?

BR: I’m typing the answer for my FB page.it’s a classic by now

[Here is the Paul Williams story he posted on Facebook.]

Dear Nate..it’s a POP classic by now having repeated the take more than Mick has sung Under My Thumb….how many times can one hear HEY JUDE..here we go….I wrote Fill Your. Heart..in August 67…but was writing so many songs at the time..they kept tumbling out…a line here..always with the melody at the same time….Paul and I met on the Mort Sahl show where we were writing jingles and Iinvited him out to my house in No Hollywood…played him a few tunes and sang Fill Your Heart with love today and asked him if he’d like to finish putting a lyric to it…he did…and I had an audition at A&M and he went to pitch songs to Howard Kaylon of the Turtles…I sang FYH for Chuck Kaye pubisher at A&M..he asked,”Did you write that song?”

I said “Yes..I wrote the song and the first two lines and asked this guy Paul Williams if he’d like to finish putting a lyric to it….”

“I’d like to meet Paul” said Chuck.,,

“Well he;s staying at my house…I can call him right now..”

So I got up to use the phone on Chuck’s desk…..and he said “No.use the phone in Johnny Rose’s office ( Johnny Rose..no relation ran songs for Chuck…got ’em placed with singers around town..the door to their offices was usually open….

Paul answered the phone…..”Hey Paul I’m down here at A&M and Chuck Kaye the publisher wants to meet you..”


“When,Chuck?” ( I leaned into his office)



“What time?”

“What time,Chuck?”

“About ten”

“About ten,Paul..”

So at ten a.m. on the last Tuesday of November 1967 Paul Williams met Chuck Kaye…I told Chuck I needed a fifty buck advance to pay December’s rent and he gave me a voucher which cleared in a week…Paul would come in the next day and get HIS fifty or whatever deal he and Chuck worked out…

I waited to hear from Paul….never did…went down to A&M 3 days later…saw Paul running away from me…cuaght up with him…

“Paul.what’s happening with Fill Your Heart?”

He couldn’t face me but I MADE him…

“Well,Biff,” he said..”You just burst in there and I have to go in and pick up the pieces”

“Yeah,Paul and that’s what you get left with”

That’s the last time I ever saw Paul Williams except for one month later when they needed a demo…Richard Perry at Warners needed material for Tiny Tim….I started singing the song and Paul interrupted.”Biff..let me sing it..they’ll never buy it with YOU singing it..”

I didn’t care WHO sang the song..long as SOMEBODY sang it..I didn’t know I was being ripped off……I’m out for the music..Paul’s out for himself.he hasn’t got any MUSIC in him…ROGER NICHOLS wrote the MUSIC Paul is famous for…when Paul Williams starts to write music it always comes out…just an old fashioned love song..the kind of song singer songwriters wrote a thousand of each day and throw away cuz the’re TOO GODDAM EASY….Paul writes bubblegum lyrics that are the BEST for elevators worldwide….and lately hides behind masks called MUPPETS like HAMAS hides behind children concealing Bubblegun mortars and lolli-POP rockets…

“THEY” ended up buying me singing Fill Your Heart and David Bowie set the record straight about WHO wrote the song……but few know..cuz I didn’t hang around town like Paul to cultivate the lies and publicity that make Hollywood what it is….life as a way of lies….Paul’s producer Richard Perry put in the liner notes to Paul’s first album The Holy Mackeral that PAUL..”wrote” the song……I’ve changed the lyric that Paul added cuz he;s a jerk…..it now goes “Fill Your heart with Love today…PLA Y the time of GAME…..it’s noon every other Sunday when the Saints go marchin’ in..to the Dome sweet Dome…and I used to paint Saints fans’ faces..the flower..the fleur de lis……they’d ask me…how long have you been painting Saints’ faces..?

“2,000 years…ever since the Saints lost to the Lions in the Coliseum…”

This way the old Flower Children ethos never dies and…I get to murder Hollywood thru Facebook and truths that can’t get runover by the Lollipop Twins…Paul Williams and Chuck Kaye who say “We’ve only just begun”…

I say “whos we?” and “begun what?” we haven’t only just begun a goddam thing…truth is..IT’S only just beginning and IT stands for Insensitivty Training cuz we already have such a thing as Sensitivity Training and you CAN’T be TOO…..sensitive but you CAN be too INsensitive…

I usually end this livatribe diatribe with….mothuhphuckuh

But I’m content knowing the pen and pendulum is swinging mah way….ah kin now sing..”ah swung it MAH way”..yahway is mah way…yeshue dass mah baby.

Paul’s epitaph is in his semi-autobiogtaphy..”Evergreen..the early days of A&M”……he says I led Chck Kaye to beiieve I wrote the whole deal then the next day went back after having an “…attack of hoesty”..for that he has to die….

The Prints of Peace has come…



T: Actually, do you mind just sending the answers to me for now, since I’m sure I will use them in their entirety when I publish the interview, and you can just share it then?

BR: you see the problem with your request…..you leave yourself vulnerable to the BifiLeaks…

I’m so hot with the kiss’n’tell for that tellin’ kiss…you try a power play which leaves you with the power of editing and a PROMISE…..whereby…I can’t follow but YOU are known and beloved as a great contibutor to the ICONtribution center…whereby iconic figures are at stake…I will allow for NO interpretation of the things I say….for that would only be attitudes and opinions and they don’t count when you’re dealing with hard truth up against hard lie and both sides revealed so people have some “guide” that is unique..it would be selfish of me to allow you some secret something prior to EVERYONE knowin..it would be jewish of me..tribal…chosen people,schitt instead of YOUniversal BifiLeaking…..this is a Power Play…YOU play the power…I power the play…as for “Power” with my southern accented speech it always sounds like PAR..I’m on a PAR trip…Ah’m Par Hungry….

If I were to agree to your terms..I would be no better than Paul Williams and a “We’ve only just Begun” ( to keep a secret until such a time as TUSK tells and only THEN can Biff tell and share thru his FB page..now you wouldn’t want THAT..would you ?

T: Fair enough. So you and Bowie are good? Do you keep in touch?

BR: Bowie and I met one time……Jan 31,1973…I opened for Springsteen the nite he became a star..Max’s Kansas City…NYC…..Herb Gart got me the gig…Herb managed DonMcLean and sold Bye Bye Miss Am. Pie to the world…the NY papers all said I was headlining and in small print below..also appearing: Bruce Springsteen…you can see the ads on my Biffrose.net site…the reason they did that was Springsteen was not known outside NY-NJ…whereas I had done a year on Carson and had a national fan base and therefore would draw the tourists…Bowie was a “tourist” who just happened to be in twon and came to see me…ut fell in love wth Bruce…nevertheless..Bowie came up to e after the show with this schitt eating grin on his face staring down..he’s taller…I said “Thank yu for doing Fill Your Heart..ut did you have to sop the whole arangement ?

He seemed not to hear me or grasp what I was saying..but kept smlling and…anyway…Bruce got me up onstage during his encore….”Let’s get Biff up here”…all the people were screaming cuz they loved the Boss and therefore loved or liked who the Boss loved…or liked..anyway..I got up and played with the e-street band…they sucked.it sucked..all noise…no music..just theatre..but the people were patting me on the back as we all left the stage..saying..”That was great,Biff..” and I kept saying No it wasn;t..it sucked..it was ll anoise..just theatre…no music”

I had opened for Broosee singing “Dylan moved to Malibu and New York needed a look-like-a-jew…god bless you…ah joo…god bless you…ah joo…”

and closing with a song from my 5th album Uncle Jesus and Auntie Christ…( bandcamp)…”He’s just a shell of a man but if you hold him to your ear you can hear the ocean roar…he’s been looking back to appreciate forward motion more…”

Bowie and I are good…Paul Wiliams and Chuck Kaye are bad

T: Catch me up on your life from then up until now.

BR: lets see…from ten up until now…I tae it you mean from opening fro BROOSEE on Jan 31st’73 till Aug 12,2014…hmmm….let’s see….I moved to Nashville to work the South…home base..the Exit Inn across from the Elliston Okace Cafe where I left my hat on the rack and went to pay the great Southeast Music Hall in Atlanta..the Rathskellar in Tallahassee…some club in Coconit Grove,Miami…living in my red VW van on the road….the Last Resort, Athens,Ga…all clubs….singing the sings from the first three albums and improvising as repeated performances were causing my memory to fade and I would have to invent to keep the music flowing…finally at the Cellar Door in D.C. everthng cracked and I hooked up with Wall Matthews, guitar ( works for PBS)…and by the Fall we made an all imprv album..my 6th..Hamburger Blues….Bonnie Raitt came to one of the sessions..after hearing a cut she mused..”Hmmmsounds like Mr Rogers on the Moon”…….you ask about from then to now and I think first of performing and making records….in’75  headed back to L.A. after being on the road 6 years…living in my van a lot and payjng a dollar ten a gallon rent..when I returned to L.A. word got around “Biff’s back in town..tell him he;s got some change waiting for him down at A&M” ( Jeff Walk talking..that’s Helen Reddy’s hubby)…it was 79 hundred dollars…Royalties accumulating for six years when I was gone cuz I didn;t know you made money in the biz..also Mike Nesmith the Monkee called…wanted to make an album…..so I wrote 12 songs…and made an album Roast Beef in one sitting straight thru…vinyl…one break..between sides one and two for coffee…one cream..one sugar…Mike said “Biff..lemmee do a production boogie on that album”

“No ” says I cuz I couldn’t have that Monkee on my back…it’s a solo artist effort and the only one ever made like that…people love it or else they have to die…all improv..between songform…then THEE MESSIAH album…..also Mike’s company Pacific Arts…’78 ( Bandcap( then a radio show…Susan Kerns on KPFA..Listener’s sponsored radio in Berkeley…I talked about the all Feminist Tv talk show Dyke van Dick…she kicked me off but LIED to the people saying “Due to technical difficultiues   Biff Rose won’t be on the air..”…so I had my “cause” in life as the decade ended…tell the truth and drag the liars into the spotlght if Judgement Day thru Facebook now and…watch..what that ol’2nd Coming talk is all about..in the name of the Father…which I am playing..broken for the fat and the her…and that flickering flame of androgyny..whicj lays waste all thos old time last centry conceptions of Father-Mother..now it;s father…fat,,,her…father…fat her…and as for MOTHER she;s broken into he MOTH and the…hesitation…er…that circles the father…fat..her…father///fat…her..and is consumed in the flame..so..enough for whitey

I went to Chicago and got a job as a Rental Agent in the Jonquil-Juneway Ghetto…all black and mexican…the after a year went back to whitey and worked playing piano and running a chirch The Open Mike Church of the TattooRose Cafe in SF…then went to Germany with an uncommonly beautful nazi schicksa wose initials were…are.S und M..we met when she came into the cafe and said  I vant your money und your shperms”

So I taught a course in American slang at the Univ of Gottingen…and played the Norgelbuff Kneipe and got a letter in ’84 frm a Charlie ADAMS in Pittsboro, N.C.  “Ill poay you anything to come play Chapel Hill”

So I said a thousand dollars cuz I heard Edith Paf reembered when she was po’ and never charged mo’…who knows..anyway..let;s see…went back to SF…drove cross country with a pal who drove a cab and had gotten rear ended (!) and couldn;t wait to lose all his money in the slots so we drove cross country..and I ended up in Palestine…that’s Palatine.. a burb of Chicago…working Durty Nellie’s Low Rent Comedy Club…..Ge Carlin cae to town..we reminisced about when we wrote a TV show in Hollywood and he said “Join me on tour” so I did four concerts with George and he gave me four thousand dollars and I bought four teeth in America…since then I have gone to Mexico where I got four teeth IN FRONT for eight cents apiece..but they fell out 2 weeks ago so I have an appointment tomorrow at the CA to beg the doc to take me off aspirin as your blood thins and the dentist said you need thick blod for the work WE’RE gonna do…!!!

Let’s see…..’86..Palatine….’89 to ’94..lived in a covered wagon…a Montana blue CJ 5 Jeep pulling a cut off ’46 Ford pickup…with giant rings welded and a huge elephant canvas..travelled with a singer songwriter Mousie Clark..who also drew caricatures so if the people didn;lt like our songs in the bars…she’d draw their pictures…..then..New Orleans and gigs at my homeroom there The Neitral Ground…and BONE AGAIN..an album produced by Ed Wuncensten who drpped out after its release saying “Biff.may the Lord Jesus Christ have mercy on your soul”..He was from Tulsa…do…..uh…

Let’s see….’98.hooked uo wit uggsy Suggs a singer songwriter..tarvelled in an ’86 Nissan 2 years playing gigs…all around America emanting from the Kerrville Folk Festival//Texas…..I finally sat in one place in 2003 and had a massive heart attack in 2004…quadruple bypass…and painted faces…outside the Superdome …paid bills…Rob of Florence started filming me/he loved my music…saw a direct link between Jelly Roll Morton and Danny Barker going back to Louie Moreau Gottschalk and me..all N.O. players…Rob is riding high these days..his documentary Zack and Addie is winning all these Third World Fl Festival Awads…his latest is Zack and Addie about a grisy murder and dismemberment..my docu is next…whew…tough act to follow

T: Final question: is filling your heart with love today really the best advice? Too much love can get you into trouble, right?

BR: Final answer: filling your heart with love today is to ADVIRTUE not adVICE…it is a routine command by now….it is and ORDER…in J.C’s time and teaching from what we’ve all heard it was a GREAT BIG YADA YADA to the point where He is thot in the cliche manner of Love Love Love..love thy enemy.love thy this..love thy that..finally you don’t know what the fuck He is TALKING about…just words guys use to get laid..

I wrote Fill Your Heart with Love today in a day when the idea of…make love not war made sense… to the point where one was fun and one was a drag…it was a drag to march and carry a gun to kill people in rice paddies a  billion light years away…the physical musical beat beat beat of the Uncle Tom Tom was more fun to follow than the martial airs of …the Ballad of the Green Berets…

My FIRST Coming reached a million people everytime I was on Johnny Carson the J.C….of a way to get across the trad religious symbolism…Prince of Light…Prince of Peace…Jounny C…..yada….I say a million cuz he drew 6 mil but I was usually on last and 5 million had fallen asleep…..I got a hundred thou out of the remaining mil ..12 times…and then left town and made house calls………NOW Fill Your Heart is THEE signature command of this…my SECOND Coming…no J/C; this time..he’s dead/but his namesake..the J.C who preached Love and yada…is always the FIRST fuckin’ name you hear in a bar..I mean JESUS Christ…only it’s not an ATTITUDE..the love I preach.it’s a COMMAN to lead people to BOWIE as a KNIFE that cuts thru the B.S. of any “Boss’s” initials…or any dwarf malignancy sponsored by hack ass money hungry jews with dollar signs painted on their face like randy who is no NEW MAN at all…but who sing and say “We’ve only just begun”……the “filling your heart with love today” is not now …advice..it is a COMMAND as a soundbyte leading everyone .. NOT to an “ethic” but to a 3 minute song..they already KNOW the ethic..they already KNOW what they are SUPPOSE to do..it is a reminder that…as a command..it was not only not followed or believed by Paul Williams …who led me to believe he was going along with the sentiment…but repudiated it…in his subsequent behaviour thru his words and actions toward me….and I tell you..those who sponsor and support him and his “philosophies”….( he’d rather go “face to face” than Facebook or machines that permanentize the truth I bring…..cuz face to face he can squirm,twist and shout and you might want to let him live another day….being as selfish or self centered…..or self anything..except selfless…as he is..a deformity on the American musical landscape……marginally more subtle than Charlie Manson… I tell you now on Judgment Day…..HITLER is forgiven before those crudities who allow for that…”you and me against the world.”..and we’ve only just begun…schitt to continue……I tell you it’s only just beginning…I am at peace and plum war out…( see ASCAP magazine Aug 10,2010 for Paul Williams “face to face”philosophy)

T: Thank you so much and I wish you the best.

BR: yo


2 Responses to “An Interview with Biff Rose, Truly Weird Part of Music History”

  1. rocky

    Nate you printed the interview but left out the juiciest part by using Biff’s facebook exchanges as response to the Jew question, when what he actually wrote to you was this:

    I was going to wait on this one, but what is your thing with Jewish people? Looking at some of your newer work, I think you’re being playful with ideas of racial stereotypes in a way where there must be some irony at work, but other times it’s not so clear…

    “hey Nate.JEW is the greatest SOUNDBYTE in the whole english lingo gringo bingo.as for stereotypes…I enhance MONOtypes as in MONOTHEISM to make it Stereo-theism..meaning GOD was great.God was good…God yada yada ..Mono a Mono…as long as America was beautiful and Hitler was evil and yada yada..but the LOSS in Vietnam and the need for women to arise and “save civilzation” as they had to do thru Scarlette O’Hara when the CONFEDERATE States of America lost…in Gone with the Wind the need for a Helen Reddy to arise and sing I AM INVINCIBLE after the guys come home wimped from Nam…well..see…JEW figures in prominently..having written down stuff for four thousand years whereas AMERICA has only written down stuff for two hundred PLUS some years..that means JEW has bragging rights but I say..”We, the People..” is GREATER than “We..the Chosen people….” and the jew is subsumed (God..I hate that word assimilated….so wishy washy..)…into an American dream I AM….rather than allying in ANY way with a ZIONIST NIGHTMARE…the reason being..the JEW is a spiritual people like a TIT giving milk but you have to squeeze it thru the nipple and the NIPPLE of the jew is Jesus ( and the OTHER nipple is Marvin Hamlisch)..and that whole story of “Him Jesus”… rising from the dead is a knockout to me..I mean..are there any writers greater than the JEW who conceived of a VIRGIN and made it STICK like Mary saying “I’m haiving a kid and I haven;t fucked anybody”…..?…Magdalene never gets top dog billing cuz she threatens totally man’s “anything”…I mean the STATE..the Church Fathers HAD to build up a patriarchy to keep womens’ lib from catching on 2,000 years ago….plus…poor ol’ little boy Jesus..hearing his mom didn;t fuck anybody…and like Indiana Jones…wandering..adventuring.asking..”Hoosier daddy..Hoosier daddy?”………so my “thing” with the jew is internal story telling….whos gonna tell the BEST story stemming from THE TRUTH before MYTH prevails or even gets a foothold….I follow in the..CHICK giving a quick NUDGE to yada…and in that regard am enamored of this chick…named ROCKY…right there you have…the way SHE “puts” it…( uh oh.here we have a “putz”)…”Biff doesn’t see me as a woman..but as an adjective”…as these are not personal considerations but words on paper…..it’s as OUT THERE as my attacking JEW to see who’s got the BEST STORY in town…my book is “It’s a rocky road I scream”…….you’ll see me echoing Old and New Testicle writings…for the Umbiblical CHORD….cut….I’m as an AMERICAN up against ISLAM who thinks I am the GREAT SATAN…..so I have to gather all the JEWS under the umbrella of the soundbyte AMERICA and with my southern accent subsume the capital of Islam…Mecca…and call it all in my vast heroic and epic poem/ “The United Sates of uh…Mekkah.” as for those jews who are for the existence of a STATE with boundaries and bombs called Israel….why you know THAT ain’t Christian….nothing YOUniversal about THAT schitt..it’s all JEWniversal….based on ego..and old timey “God gave us this land…God is our own personal real estate agent..”…but hey…I didn;’ mean to get geo-political THIS fast..let’s keep it in the sho hiz…music bz..Hollywood scene…and take it contract by contract..one on one as one IN one..and watch how the jew is split up the middle….like a woman who can’t get rid of Feminism but yet can’t embrace it fully..cuz it already HAD it’s heyday in the seventies..it;s old news now…and more and more people are gettng accustomed to..the rash nature of POWER POLITICS which forced the creation of a state for displaced jews..cuz no one wanted ’em HERE..they’re too yucky…and America was strong back then…they couldn’t carve a state out of Germany cuz we LIKE the Germans..they gave us the good nazi Werner vonBraun who got us to the Moon……and..pardon my freestyle of writing..I’m into the INTRO to Malcolm Lowry’s “Under the Volcano” and am always influeneced by the very next thing…being an American..oh..what was the question again…? oh..the jew……a great soundbyte..one worthy of being picked on..if you’re a writer and up against 4,000 years of yada…how can you beat it….they can always say…done that..heard that.oy vay schmeer……so I reduce it to TRUTH telling and in that regard have run into people in hollywod.all jews..who did NOT believe in truth telling as assiduously as I…ergo..they must die….but how?… why…thanks to Pope Zuckerberg I..FACEBOOK..and secret codes..like fish drawn in sand for ancient Christians…BFF drawn in Biff for Modern Facebookians….remember we have a stereo-theism to replace and enhance the monotheism of old…there is still one ALMIGHTY..but 2 speakers..God and Allah…..its allah in the family where you have to hunker down and bunker down so….. you can have your cake and Edith,too”



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